Everyone has their own set of travel essentials that they just have to have every time they take a trip. For some it’s as little as their cell phone and earbuds, and for others it can be a whole back full of “just in case” items. I have my own list, that for the most part I bring with me on my carry on or personal item every time I fly, or even road trips too. These are a handful of my must haves, my essentials for any time I travel.
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Pillow and Blanket
Those airline pillows and blankets they give you just don’t cut it. They’re super small, don’t even cover you completely and aren’t actually comfortable. I bring a travel pillow and a throw blanket that I roll up to fit in my backpack, so that I will have a full sized blankie to cuddle up in in while I nap. Check out these ultra comfy looking options from Amazon:
Face wipes/ surface wipes
Nowadays, it’s a good idea to bring surface wipes with you so you can wipe down your seat, the arm rests, the back of the seat in front of you, etc.. when you are traveling on any kind of transportation shared by the public. They may have great cleaning procedures, but you can never be too careful right? I also bring face wipes to help me feel fresh when i’m getting ready to depart from the plane. Sitting in a plane or car seat for so long can really make you feel yucky. It’s a great way to perk up and refresh before moving on to the next leg of my journey. These are some of the ones I’ve used:
Sooo I’m definitely that crazy person that needs more than one book with me when I travel. I like to have options ok. Books are great to keep you occupied on a longer road trip, or while you’re chillin on the plane just waiting to land. I usually bring fiction to read, just because that’s more my style and more fun. I don’t like to get into anything serious while i’m getting ready to enjoy myself. But that’s just me *shrugs*
If you have some meds like I do that can help you in the moment of a medical episode, bring them with you!!! If you need your asthma inhaler or anxiety medication, don’t forget to keep them with you. Its imperative that you don’t forget., You could have an attack or episode and need them mid flight. Super important.
Water is something that everyone should carry all the time, never mind while traveling. Nevertheless, it’s important especially while traveling because you can become dehydrated if you don’t have enough water in your system. If you bring an empty water bottle with you to the airport, many of them have water bottle filling stations now. That way you won’t have to pay airport prices on water bottles or have to wait for the air attendants on your flights to bring it by.
Those who understand me know that snack would definitely be on the list, they were just waiting it out to see where. I love food and I definitely get hangry. I need to keep snacks with me for a few reasons. 1, to not get hangry and annoying to those I’m traveling with. 2, not to pay airport/airline prices for food. 3, so that I don’t have to wait for the mostly crappy airlines freebie snacks. Most of the time it’s not enough and/or messy. I bring my own when possible… or when I remember. I tend to do things like prepackaged snacks to make it easy like these:
Music/Podcast Downloads
Music can keep you occupied for DAYS, so having your favorite songs and playlists on hand during travel times is super helpful. My only issue with listening to music is I just can’t help but sing along. It’s rough trying not to on a plane haha! Podcasts are a great alternative and now that they’re mainstream, there are so many to listen to; there’s something for everyone. I listen to True Crime Podcasts like Crime Junkies and even business building ones like Julie Solomon’s Influencer Podcast. They’re great for learning stuff or just listening to stories. Great time killing for long road trips or flights.
In order to not bug your neighbor you definitely need some headphones. You can use them for any in-flight media that the airline may provide, or your own media entertainment. I always bring more than one pair and I bring a cheap-o pair so that if they get lost in the seat, or I forget them on the plane its NBD. Now I finally have a pair of actual wireless headphones so I have those, and a set of headphones to bring with me on all my travels.
If I’m listening to that podcast and learning about something, or getting great tips out of it, I want to be sure to take notes so I won’t forget later. I either have an actual notepad and pens with me, or I utilize digital notes to keep track of what I’m learning. I also use it to write down my thoughts or ideas I may have as I travel. Those who journal will have their journals and writing utensils to record their journey.
Last but not least, Lip balm
I always bring lip balm with me, especially on flights. Flying can dehydrate you as I mentioned above, so bringing some sort of balm to keep your lips from chapping is a great idea. Especially if you’re traveling for work, or have an event soon after getting off the plane, its a good idea to keep those lips moisturized during your travels. My favorite brand is Burt’s Bees, I love the moisture it gives me and the tingly feeling of the mint. This is probably my travel essential that a lot of people tend to forget about, so don’t go flying without your lip balm!
I hope these travel essentials resonate with you on a personal level. Not only will this help some and give ideas to others, it also gives you a peak into my personality and who I am as a person, and as a traveler. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know in the comments and to share with others!
PS: If thinking about your own travel essentials has got you thinking about jumping on a plane, click on this link for my Need A Travel Agent? page, and fill out the form. Where do you want to go next? I will help you get it all sorted out and get you back on a plane!
Lip balm/chapstick is my #1 item no matter where I go!
I’m with you there! Especially out here in Colorado where the air is so dry
This is pretty much the perfect, condensed list. I’ve honestly got to get myself a travel pillow, so convenient!!
Water and hand wipes are my travel essentials!
Hand wipes were not a thing for me until recently. They definitely come in handy!
Ohh I love brining neck pillows during flights! I doze off easily and most of the times my head unconsciously lean anywhere – even on stranger’s shoulder! HAHA! It’s embarrassing! So a neck pillow is a must definitely!
I’m in the market for a new one! Do you have a brand that you enjoy?
I agree. I never fly without my travel pillow. It is great at the airport too if there are delay.
This is a great list! And for some reason… I still always happen to forget some of the essentials so it’s a good reminder to read this. The neck pillow you shared is my favorite! So comfy.
Thanks! I’m in the same boat. I always have to make a list to make sure that everything comes with me
Very useful tips! I love that you added lipbalm and facial wipes. It’s so important to stay moisturized in dry environments such as airplanes.
I get so dry! I thought moving to Colorado was dry, but airplanes are always a dry experience for me. Gotta have my lipbalm 🙂
Water bottle is a must! And a reusable grocery bag. You never know when you’ll come upon a farmer’s market or buy something extra that won’t fit in your luggage.
Love the reusable grocery bag idea! That’s brilliant. I’ve definitely stopped at places before reaching the hotel where I can unpack a bit. Great idea!
Useful tips! I always carry some of the popular medications and face wipes. Thanks for sharing 🙂
The medications is a definite for me. I get headaches a good bit, so I’ve always gotta have something with me.
I loooove having a notebook with me. It’s such an essential for me – honestly I think I have the best ideas when I’m sitting in a tube in the sky!
Water, snacks + headphones are definitely staples for me as well! (I also really love my portable charger, haha.)
Oh my gosh yes! Portable charger is a must these days
Snacks snacks snacks!!! It’s how we survive 15 hour flights with 4 littles!!!
Oh my goodness! 4 littles! I love that you’re taking your kids traveling. It’s so important at young ages. All the power to you mama. I’d love to connect on how that goes for you, traveling with littles!
I’m going to add lip balm to my travel essentials list. Such a great idea. Thank you
Of course! My lips get chapped so easily. I should probably be drinking more water as well.
Useful list for sure, thank you. Chapstick, pillow and blanket are at the top of my list for travel.
Great list of essentials! Very close to my own.. Thanks!
Of course! That’s awesome. Great minds thing alike!