Surviving PTO Guilt

How to Enjoy Your Time Off and Not Stress Over Work While You’re Away

Ok, look. We all know that Americans are the WORST when it comes to taking vacation time. According to CNBC, only 28% of Americans planned to max out their PTO in 2019. The majority of us don’t even use it all. There’s this thing called PTO (Paid Time Off) guilt. But here’s the thing, it’s given to us for a REASON!!! There is a purpose behind taking time away from work and just enjoying being alive. Not just for the company because you’re an investment as an employee, but because you deserve every bit of relaxation that you can get. BREAK

Why sabotage yourself? When you’re supposed to be sitting on a beach reading a book and listening to the waves crash on the shore, are you READING YOUR EMAILS?! The girl put the phone down and relax. You can come back to it when your vacation is done, and I promise you’ll be more focused, and ready to answer them properly when you do.

It’s such a problem to take time for ourselves that some of our bosses have to push us to take some PTO, even if that means just taking a day off. Then what do we do? THE HOUSEHOLD CHORES. Why can’t we relax? Why can’t we just take a day for ourselves? It’s been ingrained in our brains that we must be productive at all times. Otherwise, we’re wasting our precious and minimal time. I’m here to tell you that is TOTAL CRAP. For your mental health and sanity, you need to take a BREAK, and no you don’t have to feel that PTO guilt.

Here are some tricks that have helped me really, truly, take a break from productivity. They helped me focus more on relaxation, my wants and needs, and my respect for myself. I hope this helps you break the bad habit of feeling guilty. No one should feel guilty about work not being done when you’re supposed to be taking care of yourself.

Remember that work will be there when you go back to it.

  • If work was meant to be continuous and 24/7, then we’d all be paid to reflect that. Let’s be real; the amount of work most people do when salaried, is more than what they’re paid for. Set limits for yourself and even when not on your paid time off, set work hours for yourself and stick to them. 

Statistics show that the most productive workers are ones that take their “me” time seriously.

  • If you’re the energizer bunny and its, go go go all the time you’ll burn out. Trust me I did that. It wasn’t fun. If you don’t take time for yourself, your body will do it for you. Most often at inopportune times, so just plan some time to put work aside and do what you need for rest. It’s ridiculous to have that PTO guilt when you’re just taking care of yourself.

I meditate when I need “me” time and it helps center me, and put things into perspective.

  • Meditation allows me to understand balance. Being balanced is just as important as being productive. I don’t normally remember that until I’m mid meditation or just after and I’m thinking, “I feel really good, that was a great session. I need to do this more”. 

No one likes using their paid leave for sick time right?

  • One of the ways you can keep healthy and not use sick days is to take time off. Take time to recharge and relax the monkey mind. Your body responds better to the germies that want to invade your personal space, when you’re rested and refreshed. 

Make a list of things you’d rather do than work.

  • Then take those items and when you have a day off, commit to doing one of them. Putting on a face mask, trying a new cuisine you’ve never had before, journaling, whatever it is, commit to doing one of those items per day that you have off. If you’re not getting to them on any given day, make it a point to check one off the list when you have a day to yourself or a day away from the office.

I hope you all take this one to heart. Not because I’m a travel agent, but because you deserve your time to reset. You deserve time to relax and give yourself a break. Take it! You deserve it. No need to feel that PTO guilt.

PS Are you ready for that break? Are you worried about flying during COVID-19? Read about my recent flying experience and how I felt about it:

4 thoughts on “Surviving PTO Guilt

    1. Of course! Especially for our teacher friends. You work so hard for our kids, you absolutely deserve your time off. Make sure you take care of yourself. Feel free to share with your coworkers as well. So many of us have trouble with taking time fore ourselves.

  1. This is way too true! I try to maximize my PTO by taking lots of weekend trips and trying to overlap with long weekends. I was guilty about that this winter, but now am SO happy that I took those trips!

    1. I’ve done the same! Just taking a day or two and making a long weekend is a great idea. It helps to break up the monotony of the day to day a bit more. No more feeling guilty! Especially now with COVID causing so many to lose jobs and those that are left are being overworked. It’s so important to take the time you need, otherwise you’ll never be your best self.

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