Staying at Home During The COVID-19 Pandemic

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Staying home has its benefits and its consequences. The benefit is that we’re doing our best not to pass around this virus to those around us. The consequences are that we have more time at home that we ever have before and it’s making us stir crazy! Many of us struggle with being in the house more often Then there’s some of us who are happy to have the extra time for the projects that were always on the back burner. These are things that I’ve done during my time at home with my extra time so that I don’t go crazy sitting around the house. 

No Procrastinating!

  •  Now that I’m home constantly and we have to stay at home, I have more time to do the dishes, do the laundry, and not leave them until the following day or when it piles up. I get things done much earlier now than I ever did before, and it’s given me even more time to do other things that I want to do like read in the morning to jump start my mind for the day, meditating, writing blog posts etc..

Making Meals at home

vegetables and tomatoes on cutting board
Photo by Pixabay on

I love going out to eat. I love trying new foods, experiencing new cultures through food, and I don’t always know or have a good recipe to do it on my own at home. Now with the pandemic closures, we need to find ways to keep the cost of ordering down, without sacrificing our love of variety in our diets. We’ve invested in ordering Hello Fresh. It allows us to try dishes we have never tried before, and for less than ordering in. Plus, because I’m home I don’t feel like I have to rush through cooking it! I take my time and make the meals I make at home with or without Hello Fresh even more delicious. 

*If you click on the link above for Hello Fresh and place your order, you’ll get $40 off your first delivery!*

Pick up something new!

  • I launched my blog once COVID-19 hit and the closures began happening. I figured why not? If I’m going to be home more now, then why not put some work into learning new skills and really diving into this blog thing head first. Some others I’ve heard have begun learning new instruments, languages, how to knit, plant a garden for the first time etc… You have more time now to learn and work on your new skills than any of us have had before! Go for it!

Evaluate your financial situation

background balance business commerce
Photo by Jessica Lewis on
  • Too many have lost their jobs during this pandemic and that has greatly impacted finances across the globe. My bf and I have been lucky that our finances have only taken a small hit, but those who’ve completely been let go, furloughed, etc.. now have to figure out what the next step is. We’ve decided as a team to sit down and look at our financial situation and make some changes for the better. We’ve realigned our goals and set in motion plans to remove the roadblock that is our combined debt. It might not be a “fun” way to spend time during quarantine, but it will be a productive one. 

Get outside

  • I know it sounds like I’m about to contradict myself, but in order to stay at home so much these days  we have to get outside and get some fresh air and exercise. Being cooped up in your place for long periods of time isn’t healthy. We need to get fresh air in our lungs, take a walk or get some sort of exercise in order to not lose our minds. Obviously do it safely and according to your local ordinances, but it’s necessary to get outside, in order to stay inside and stay sane. 

I’ve been doing these things and more to help me through being home. What have you been doing during the pandemic? Leave a comment below and maybe you’ll give me, or another reader some great ideas to do when you feel stuck inside. 

PS: If you’d like to join in the journey of trying to help your financial situation, check out my Ultimate List of Money Saving and Making Strategies! This aid will help you find new ways to save and maybe even make money in this difficult economy. Click the link below!

4 thoughts on “Staying at Home During The COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. These are all great suggestions! I have definitely been working on doing things sooner and finishing projects! And I have definitely worked on my finances. We have been able to save so much! Thanks for the tips.

    1. Absolutely! Quarantine has been weird. You’re either the one buying up Amazon or the one not spending any money because you’re staying home all the time lol Good for you for saving! Maybe you’ll be able to get a trip in once things open back up safely!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful insights Alli! Definitely did some of those things we mentioned. Another great thing would be time to just relax! Our days and schedules are normally busy and this time has given us a chance to just relax ☺️

    1. You know what? You’re absolutely right. We spend so much time fighting the clock on a normal day, we should definitely be taking time for ourselves too.

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